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Sports Service 2023

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Sports Service 2023

On Friday 10th November Team ND, the sports teams, their captains and their coaches came together to pray for the year ahead. Staff were represented by members of the senior leadership team and the main student body by Komeno Johnson, the faith officer on the student executive. Each team captain lit a candle to represent their team while the staff choir sang Be Thou My Vision. A reading from ST Paul's letter to Timothy and prayers for our community were read by two of the student captains. Justine Barlow, the college principal, gave the address, reminding those present that how they act both on and off the pitch was testament to their good character.

Together, those present said the Team ND prayer: Dear Lord, we are your team, give us strength, courage and determination on this field of play.

Scott Broadley, head of Team ND said 'the service was a perfect way to celebrate the upcoming year of sport'.

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