It wasn’t so long ago that I was granted the opportunity to speak to lead vocalist Matt Hallas of Glass Caves to learn about the truth’s backstage. Seven months later, I was able to witness the very band perform, celebrating their 10-year anniversary of their debut album 'Alive'.
Live in my hometown, with tickets personally gifted by Matt’s family members, I attended Brudenell Social Club for a sensational show. Lights emerged through the smoke, illuminating the room perfectly, highlighting the stage ready for the stars. The harsh stench of beer, the echo of eager fans, the bustling of sweaty bodies; a true scene for an indie rock concert.
Opening with ‘Why Stay’, the audience were lifted instantly by the iconic tune. The crowd swarmed like moths, entranced by the light before them, yearning to be closer. Swaying, screeching, shaking, everyone’s excitement dispersing uncontrollably. Sharing the same exhilaration from being at the performance merely intensified the atmosphere into a scene from Woodstock. Positioned directly in front of the stage, I couldn’t have wished for a better perspective of the band. I was in the idyllic place for optimum engagement, and I was unwilling to be moved.
As the setlist continued through the night, the passion from the audience did also. Arms were cast in the air like sail boats, blown from side to side, angled by the whirlwind of music the instruments dispersed. Hearts thumping, feet stomping, heads bashing. The movement of so many bodies matched the rhythm of the thud of the bass drum; the melody connecting us to the music on a different level. The thrill overwhelmed me and before I knew it, my lungs strained to allow full volume, and quite unflattering, singing to be exposed to all those around. The peak to my unfortunate imitating exceeded when ‘Go’ hit the stage. The lyrics burst through the air, stimulating a blast like fireworks. At this moment the appreciation of the night sunk in and I felt the adrenaline of the concert at its prime. Finally, ‘Eye to Eye’ with one of my favourite musicians: my excitement reflected through my beaming grin.
With flawless performances, Matt and the rest of the band’s passion was ceaseless. Their casual engagement with the crowd made the event even more personal and precious. Laughs, smiles and admiration were everywhere to be seen, even including from Eddie Clayton (the gentleman on the keys) after being ridiculed by his fellow band members. The power of engaging with the audience transformed the night remarkably, making the atmosphere into more of an intimate private show, rather than a profound disappointment after attempting to merely spot the musicians whilst being seated ‘in the Gods’. Nothing could have improved the event, other than speaking to Matt…once again…which I did. Whilst guarding the merchandise for Glass Caves, I exchanged a brief causal conversation with the vocalist. His polite friendly demeanour matched his welcoming smile to all fans, glossing a path for friendship, which I would proudly consider us now to have.
My night was complete - the enticing experience of attending the concert was lived up to and will never be forgotten. I can unequivocally say that this will not be the last time I see Glass Caves perform, and that they will once again be blessed by their unsurpassed fan.