Did You Know?
1.81 trillion photos are taken worldwide every year, which equals 57,000 per second.
Key Information
Two Year Course
Examination Board
"Photography is great, I've learnt so much and I am now able to tell what settings were used to take a picture just by looking at it, along with a more creative approach to photography scenarios" - Ellis Antunes, Mount St Mary's
Key Employability Skills | ||
Creativity | Self Discipline | Effective Communication |
60% coursework, 40% exam
What do I need to study this course?
You will need a grade 5 in GCSE Art or Photography if studied, with a portfolio of work. It is advised students have their own DSLR camera for the course, a camera can be bought through college and a payment scheme is in place allowing the cost to be shared into monthly payments. For students who have not previously studied art or Photography we ask students to send through a selection of 15-20 images to demonstrate their interest in the subject. To be a successful student on the course a passion for photography is essential as there is a significant amount of coursework and independent work. When completed the portfolio can be sent to photography@notredamecoll.ac.uk - deadline 2nd June 2025.
What will I study?
You will learn about various photographic techniques, and put them into practice. Students can work in one or more areas, including portraiture, landscape photography, still life photography, photojournalism, and fashion photography. You will complete a personal investigation, creating a portfolio of work, and sit an externally set practical assignment, supported by written material. We will look at a wide range of historical and contemporary photographers, artists, designers and craftspeople.
What next?
The course will help students wishing to undertake further studies in Photography or Art. Students could also progress into other design-related subjects, including Graphic Design, Architecture, and Fashion.