Digital T Level

T-Level Digital T Level

Did You Know?

Yorkshire’s Digital Industries will create an extra 42,000 digital jobs by 2026. 

Key Information


Two Year Course - Equivalent To Three A-levels

Examination Board


"The Digital T Level has set me on the path to achieving my aspiration to work in the digital industry. My industry placement will teach me skills you can’t learn in a classroom environment and will fast-track me into a digital career. The T Level course was definitely the right choice for me and my future". - Thomas Corbett, upper sixth student


T Level 


33% exam, 17% coursework, 50% Occupational Specialism

What do I need to study this course?

You will need five GCSEs at grade 5 including GCSE English Language and Maths.

What are T Levels?

  • Notre Dame has been selected as one of the first providers of the new T Level qualifications starting from September 2020. The introduction of T Levels will see a state-of-the-art, purpose built ‘digital hub’ at Notre Dame. It will feature industry standard technology enabling us to provide a world class educational opportunity for students who are passionate about the digital world.
  • T Levels will follow GCSEs and will be equivalent to 3 A-levels. These 2-year courses have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for work.

What will I study?

First Year: Coding, Problem Solving, Emerging Technology, Legislation, Data, and Security. Employer Set Project: Planning, Debugging, Designing, and Coding.

Second Year: Systems Analysis, & Design, Coding (multiple languages), Evaluating Systems, Industry Placement.

What next?

T Levels will provide the knowledge and experience needed to open the door to skilled employment. Achieving this qualification will give you an advantage when applying for a job in software production and design in the digital industry or when progressing to further study.

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