
Level 3 BTEC/CTEC courses Criminology

Did You Know?

In England, it costs about £38,000 per year to house one prisoner.

Key Information

Level 3 BTEC/CTEC courses

Two Year Course - Equivalent to One A-level

Examination Board


"Criminology has improved my understanding of crime and campaigns for change, and of how the legal system of the country we live in works to support victims and aid in helping prevent crime". - Daisy Makin, lower sixth student


Level 3 Diploma - Equivalent to One A-level


  • 4 Units equally weighted at 25%
  • Unit 1 Changing Awareness of Crime and Unit 3 Crime Scene to Courtroom are 8-hour Controlled Assessments that are open book assessments and 100 marks. These are marked by your teacher and moderated by the exam board.
  • Unit 2 Criminological Theories and Unit 4 Crime and Punishment are 90-minute 75-mark exams. These are externally marked by WJEC examiners.
  • You can access the exam specification here.

What do I need to study this course?

You will need five GCSEs at grade 4 including GCSE English Language.

What will I study?

Criminology covers all aspects of crime, from types of crime to the range of punishments people receive for committing crime. Topics include: how crime is portrayed in the media and how this affects people’s view of crime; different theories and explanations about why people commit crime; how crime is investigated and prosecuted; how laws are made and how punishment works; and ways to control crime. There are 4 units to cover with a mixture of internal and external assessment.

What next?

Criminology is relevant to many job roles within the criminal justice sector, social and probation work, sociology and psychology. Relevant degree courses includes; Criminology, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Criminology and Psychology, Law with Criminology, Criminology and Sociology, Psychology and Sociology.

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