
A-Level Chemistry

Did You Know?

A Chemical Engineer’s starting salary is in the region of £28,500, rising up to £70,000 depending on experience and industry.

Key Information


Two Year Course

Examination Board


"Chemistry has broadened my understanding of the world around us. It has taught me about the structures and properties of different elements, and shown me that chemistry is greatly needed in day to day life. It's a fascinating subject". - Oliwia Szmyglewska, lower sixth student




100% exam, separate qualification for practical

What do I need to study this course?

You will need a grade 6 in two single science GCSEs (including chemistry) or grade 66 in GCSE Combined Science. You will also need a grade 5 or above in GCSE Maths.

What will I study?

The specification is designed to build on the knowledge gained at GCSE. Examples of the topics you will study are: Atomic Structure, Equilibrium, Rates, Acids and Bases, Halogenoalkanes, Aromatic Chemistry, Transition Metals, and Period 3 Elements. Chemistry is examined by three written papers. During the course, 12 required practicals will be assessed internally and lead to a separate practical qualification.

What next?

Chemistry is a ‘high currency’ A-level and is highly regarded by universities/employers and you may be surprised at just how many doors it will open for you. Specific chemistry degrees include Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Other courses include Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences and Environmental Science.

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